3 clever ways to add space to your new home
Feeling a little cramped at home? As new family members come along and older relatives move in, it can become a real challenge to find room for everyone… as well as their belongings! After a while, it’s almost impossible for anyone to have personal space.
If you’re considering upgrading to a larger, more spacious home, we’re here to help. In this article, we share three tips on how to maximise space in your new home and make sure everyone has room to live life to the fullest.
#1. Combine two spaces — add a study nook to your living room
Rather than taking up a whole other room, consider combining your study with your living room or rumpus room. Quiet and cosy, you can get lots of work done in one of the most comforting rooms of your house. Plus, you can socialise with your family on and off throughout the day. You’ve got to take a break sometime, right?
By combining these two areas, you’ll have a spare room free for an additional bedroom, teenager’s retreat or simple storage space. In our Bondi 249 display home in Redbank, you’ll find a quaint little study nook tucked into the corner of the living room, where you’ll have enough privacy to focus but still be free to have your 10am coffee with whoever’s at home!
This also works on the flip side — if you actually want more space for a home office, you might choose one of our five-bedroom home designs and turn the fifth bedroom into a dedicated workspace. Here, you can close the doors and focus on the task at hand. Distractions, keep out!
In our stunning Cayman 287 display home in Box Hill, we converted one of the spare bedrooms into a quiet hideaway for those working or studying from home. Simply set yourself up, close the door and settle in for a few hours of pure focus.
#2. Repurpose your fifth bedroom into an additional media room
Speaking of homes with five (or more) bedrooms, there’s also an opportunity to convert one of your spare bedrooms into an additional media room. With a growing family, you’ll soon find everyone needs their own space to chill out and cool off. An additional media room will give your family a much-needed private retreat — the kids can play games and watch TV in the rumpus room while you fall onto the couch to watch a movie after a long day.
Simply add some soft couches, piles of pillows, throw blankets and a big screen TV!
Home designs like the Riviera 1 267, the Cayman 287 (pictured above), the Coolum 266 and the Whitehaven 306 have additional bedrooms that can be repurposed into an additional media room.
#3. Get savvy with storage and choose a design with a Butler's Pantry
As your family grows and time goes by, you’ll find yourself with lots of extra Tupperware, pots and pans, glasses, and so on — with this in mind, you’re going to need some additional storage space (particularly in the kitchen).
For growing families, we recommend choosing a home design with a convenient Butler's Pantry. Here, you’ll have additional cupboards, drawers and shelves separate from the kitchen, as well as extra bench space where you can prepare snacks and drinks while entertaining a throng of guests.
You can even store your dry foods like cereal, baking supplies, canned goods and dried fruits in the Butler's Pantry. You might even pack away the kid’s school bags and lunch boxes during the holidays, or hide away your expensive china and family heirlooms to keep them safe while entertaining.
Home designs like the Cayman 349, the Avoca 210, the Carolina 2 250, the Carolina 2 310 and the Whitehaven 238 (pictured above) feature a contemporary, spacious Butler's Pantry to keep your home looking tidy.
Talk to Montgomery Homes about building a bigger, better home for you and your family
Loving the idea of a private retreat in your home or a dedicated Butler's Pantry to store all your dried food, plates, cups and Tupperware? Talk to the team from Montgomery Homes about building a more spacious home for you and your family! We’ll provide expert recommendations and advice based on your lifestyle and the size of your family, so you’ll always have plenty of space!
Get in touch to start the building process today.
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